Höegh Autoliners
- Service: Ro/Ro and Breakbulk services
- Region: India/Pak -Mid East, North America, South America, Africa, Oceania
Höegh Autoliners offer a worldwide Ro/Ro service with a network of 12 deep sea trades and loops to Middle East, South America, Africa and USA. The Höegh Autoliners fleet is designed for maximum flexibility to cater for the variety of rolling stock carried in the various trades.
Great White Fleet
- Service: Container and Breakbulk service
- Trade: Central America
Great White Fleet is an ocean carrier, part of Chiquita Brands International, offering fixed-day sailings between Europe and Central America. GWF provide a weekly sailing with one of the markets shortest transit times between Vlissingen and Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala. They offer dry and refrigerated containers and breakbulk.
Hugo Stinnes
- Service: Containerservice and Breakbulkservice
- Region: South Africa (cont) and Mexico (BB)
Hugo Stinnes Shiffahrt GmbH offers a monthly multipurpose service between North Europe/North Spain and Mexico, Caribbean and US Gulf offering transportsolutions for breakbulk, heavylift, project, steel and bulkcargoes.